Welcome back to Just the Items, I have a quick legal disclaimer
I am not affiliated with Ray Romano or Everybody Loves Raymond executive producer Philip Rosenthal.
I am simply here to point out the items in each scene of Everybody Loves Raymond.
I am the embassador of the items
For example, in this scene I may point out the pink donut box, the red sweater, the rustling of divorce papers

Another example:

in this scene, I would want to focus on the cookie dough peeled like a banana
Here Debra reveals a bedroom chest that stores unused pillows:

Ray disregards the chest and casts all the pillows into a closet

Every plot device, every set piece in Everybody Loves Raymond is used to reflect family dynamics.
It is a focused show
Sometimes I feel as focused as an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. My eyes get intense and I have to steal a dose of my legal guardian’s citalopram

An empty man, void of family and sandwich

I thought this bed frame design was distinct to my mother’s old bedroom. It looks like two owl eyes.
I have no memory of my mother’s comforter and pillows. Sometimes I even forget her hoarse cough in the back booth of a lunch buffet.

Frank in limbo as his shorts dry

Hot and sour soup is mentioned
but does not appear
Actually, he may be referring to his twin boys (blurry but in frame, next to coffee pot)

A man's television
is on the line

Robert calls for the gathering of canned goods
Robert calls for the gathering of canned goods

My legal guardian drinks his coffee and takes two doses of citalopram, one from his prescription and one from mine, while we watch TV Land.

Every single website in the world agrees: my legal guardian should have overdosed on citalopram by now.
The complete filmography of Arnold Schwarzenegger, except the one where he gets pregnant:

of course I have panic attacks, none of this is sustainable
Kelly Ripa: Did you take any, like, specific thing from the set?
Ray Romano: I took the couch. Yeah, I did. And my wife’s not happy about that.
Regis Philbin: Doris, did you take a little momento?
Doris Roberts (Marie): I did, it was a big memento. Remember the show where I was a sculptor? [Referencing the episode where Marie accidently makes a vulva sculpture] I have it in my living room!
Regis Philbin: Brad?
Brad Garrett (Robert): I took the guard from gate six. Sweet little Cuban kid.
Regis Philbin: Now in the final hours of the Ray Romano era.